Our Purpose

The main functions of the Furniture Bargaining Council (FBC) is overseeing the overall funds and benefits administration, compliance, enforcement and exemption of the various Collective Agreements concluded within its jurisdiction.  Through collective agreements the council ensures uniform conditions of employment and wages to all companies within the Furniture, Bedding and Upholstery Industry.

Our bargaining council is an effective mechanism for the facilitation of collective bargaining between party employer organisations and party trade unions with minimal disruption to this industry.  Registered establishments and their employees are encouraged to join one of the employer associations or trade unions which are party to this bargaining council.  In doing so, the views about labour matters in the industry will be discussed and considered in the bargaining council forums.

In terms of section 27 of the Labour Relations Act, 1995 (Act 66 of 1995) (as amended) (hereinafter referred to as the Act), one or more registered employers’ organisations may establish a bargaining council for a specific sector and area.

The bargaining council must adopt a constitution which meets the requirements of section 30 of the Act and must forthwith obtain registration with the Department of Labour in terms of section 29 of the Act.

In terms of clause 1 of our Main Collective (MCA), the terms of such agreement shall be observed by all employees for whom wages are prescribed and the employers of such employees and any leaners under the Skills Development Act, 1998.

Our bargaining council’s role then is that of monitoring compliance with the agreed minimum conditions of employment and this monitoring of compliance can provide some degree of assurance that the majority of industry employers operate in an environment of fair competition.

To Employers (Establishments)

·         Facilitation of collective bargaining.

·         Standard conditions of employment applicable to all establishment in the industry.

·         Access to agents who are knowledgeable about the collective agreements.

·         Time-efficient dispute resolution service.

To Employees

·         Minimum wages, benefits and conditions of employment applicable to the entire Furniture, Bedding and Upholstery Industry.

·         Assured confidentiality in handling of queries and complaints.

·         Access to agents who are knowledgeable about the collective agreements.

·         In-expensive and easy-to-use dispute resolution service.